Token Information

$SIEGE serves as the native currency for SiegeQuest. There is a maximum supply of 50,000,000 $SIEGE tokens. Liquidity will be locked and the Development Fund will be vested at a rate of 3.85% every two weeks.

Contract Address: 0x0d80E874f40f4D8b2F48ecC97c4cd5314Bf6bE84

In the past, similar games vested their Develpment Fund at a rate of 25% per month and immediately sold all of the tokens once released. This caused downward momentum in the price of the token. It never recovered. To prevent this from happening again, SiegeQuest has extended the vesting schedule from 4 months to 12 months, and will be unlocking tokens in much smaller batches.

Disclaimer: Sending tokens/NFT under any circumstances is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the sending address is correct, SiegeQuest is not responsible for the recovery of any $SIEGE lost on the blockchain.

Last updated